Monday, November 15, 2010


One would think I'd be great at hiding by now.  Stories from my past turned from true to false in just a few changed nouns...

I have probably five different accounts on one site alone to help me hide.  One such account was the one where I changed certain nouns to make a story that sounded so much better than the true thing... mainly because the real thing was socially unacceptable.  But if a boyfriend goes off to war, that can't be helped. 

And yes, I'm being cryptic.  I still have to hide things in my life that I would rather not.  But I don't want anything linked back to the "real me."  I just thought it was interesting that I'm hiding again and going through old poems of mine where I was hiding my life from prying eyes... though I desperately wanted things to be out in the open.  I wanted to be able to rant and rave about the situation and my lips were forced shut.  I suppose that's how life goes...


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