Saturday, March 26, 2011

Welcome to the World Wide Web

Hi.  This is the internet.  This is a place I can say whatever the hell I want to whenever the hell I want to.  If you can't handle the fact that I miss/love your son, because he's FAMILY, you need to kindly get off your high horse, build a freaking bridge, and GET THE FREAK OVER IT!!!  Especially when there is no drama involved for you to get upset over.  I get it.  You want me out of your freaking life.  Well too bad.  My husband loves his father who just happens to be your husband (guess who came first.. it wasn't you).  And amazingly, your husband loves his son!  Both of them!  Maybe you can't get that through your thick skull, but I'm fed up with this shit.  As I said in a previous post, "if you're supposed to be an example of maturity, I'll stick with being immature."

And of course, you'll probably find this post and create drama from it, but I think you need to stop faking it.  Go ahead and tell him how you REALLY feel about us.  You want us out of your life; especially me.  And I can't figure out why.  Seriously.

I've grown up.  Isn't about time you did, too?


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