Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Much More?

I deal with the same thing over and over again, and it wears me down.  I can go from happy to emotionally exhausted in just moments.  He takes things out of proportion and breaks down and panics over the same things all the time.  Does he not understand that we have always made it through and will continue to do so?  I need people to vent to other than him but don't have a whole lot of options.  The option I do have is friends with him and has flirted with me on more than one occasion.  Though I trust him (because of how good of friends they are), my SO has indicated that he worries sometimes that there may be something going on.  No... But it would be good to be able to talk to him without HIM around.  ....It would be good to vent to someone who actually sees this on a daily basis and can calm ME down... Ya know... after all of the calming HIM down.


1 comment:

  1. and honestly I keep feeling like somehow it's my fault...
