Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Looked in the Safe

and I'm not too happy with what I saw.

I had a birthday card from my son's first birthday with $15 in it.  It was HIS birthday money.  When I looked in the safe to check it (which I do periodically), it was gone.  I have ONE guess as to who took it.  And I'm very unhappy about it.

He has mentioned taking it before, and I have told him not to.  Looks like he did.  So now, not only do I owe our roommate at least $100, I also owe my own son $15.  And he didn't even need to take the $15.  I wish I knew when he did it, but I have a feeling it was done recently.  He said he "found $10" yesterday.  Grr.  Pretty sure I don't believe him.

He says he's trying to earn my trust and I start trusting him, and then he does something like this!  Guess I need to find a new hiding place for money.  I just thought he wouldn't steal from his own son.


UPDATE:  I asked him about it, and he told me that he told me about it.  He used it while I was gone because he needed gas money.  I told him that if he told me back then, I was probably pissed off at that time, too.  He said "yeah."  Bleh.  Hate money.  Can't save anything when we owe more than the paycheck.  Rent, electric, heating, gas for the car, car insurance, and of course our tags are expiring this month too.  And yes, that's ALL on Friday's check (well, except for heating I guess, though we really should get that turned back on soon).  Why?  Because we had to buy groceries with this check.  We couldn't save anything worth anything :(

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