Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dare 8

So thanking him for caring about me WAS kind of out of the blue.  He was perplexed.  I tried explaining to him that it wasn't for anything specific but for everything in the last four years.  I *think* he got it lol

I finally sat down and made the lists for Dare #7--
Positive and Negative things about him.
I wrote the positive things down first, so it was actually more difficult to think of negatives.  That's how I should train my brain.  Any time I think of a negative thing, I'm going to try to think of positive things in its place.
The negative list is shredded up, and the positive list is hidden in plain sight if I have a snooping husband.  It's written in the journal I keep next to my side of the bed.
Of course, so is the list of wrongful motivations.
I'm finally all caught up.

Dare 8
Determine to become your spouse’s biggest fan and to reject any thoughts of jealousy.  To help set your heart on your spouse and focus on their achievements, take yesterday’s list of negative attributes and discreetly burn it.  Then share with your spouse how glad you are about a success he or she recently enjoyed.

The title of today's section is called "Love Is Not Jealous" 
The thing that hit home the most was not being jealous of his successes.  It's no secret that I wish I could go back to school.  It's also no secret that I have a specific one in mind.  And I can't get there yet.  It's not his fault, but he gets to go to school.  So I have been swallowing that jealousy for a long time.  I've been trying hard to be happy for him rather than to feel negative.  Even before this challenge.

He starts school next week.  
The most recent achievement I can think of would be that he went to a management training class.  It doesn't really mean anything, except that they did tell him he was a great candidate.  Again, with this store, it means pretty much nothing except a way to get his hopes up, but it does look good on a resume.  
I've already told him how proud I am of him for it.
Maybe I'll tell him how proud I am that he is sticking with it instead of giving up, even though the store he works at is setting itself up for total failure (and I mean to the point of closing it down).  Hopefully, they get rid of the current manager they have, but corporate is tying hands as well, so it's just not looking good.
Poor hubby has to put up with that crap along with dealing with rude customers and fellow employees (plus the crappy manager).
I'd say that's an achievement, wouldn't you?


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